Error code E90 received
Sorry for the inconvenience.
We are working on the cause of E90, but something wrong may be happening inside.
It will be a big help to us if you could tell us the situation how it occurred, to solve this.We'll do our best to find the resolution, and update a new version as soon as we can.
Atmoph -
Dear all,
Thank you for letting me know about your current problem with Atmoph Window 2. Also, we’re truly sorry for bothering you a lot. We’re looking into the details of error E90 now, but it seems some internal errors might occur.
To clarify the case, would it be possible for you to give us some images that E90 appears? It would be highly helpful for us if we could know when and how often it most likely to be happened, such as trying to make payment, to changing views or etc…
Chikako -
Hi Christina,
You’re very welcome and so glad to hear that. If the same problem happen, let me know. Also, we’re sorry for making confused about the sensor. We’re afraid that the proximity sensor supports only for an initial Atmoph Window and not for this model. Instead of the sensor, you could change the view or adjusting the volume via buttons.
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