Incorrect naming
Hello there,
This scene is named incorrectly.
Kowloon Bay is an industrial (recently commercial) area, where is located east to middle of Kowloon.
The scene is taken in Tsim Sha Tsui, viewing Victoria Habour.
Together with the two scenes below, they are all the same location.
I would suggest to fix the names. So maybe next time some Atmoph users come to Hong Kong and ask how to go Victoria Habour, they won't be told to go to an irrelevant place.
Thank you for using Atmoph Window 2 and your suggestions.
Also, we're sorry for making you confused. We'll share the information you've let us know with your team. We have landscapes which are taken from the titled location, and landscapes of the titled location. It may be confusing sometimes. We hope we could do more research on the location of filming and give them titles that are not misleading. Thank you again for your comment.
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