Japan to US
If I buy the Star Wars version of the Atmoph Window 2 in Japan, will the device let me download any future Star Wars releases if I move to the US?
I know your legal answer is always “the Star Wars device and its views are only sold in Japan”, but technologically speaking, does the device prevent someone in the US from downloading the codes of new views as long as they have the codes?
Put another way, if I visit Japan, buy the codes for the new Star Wars views, and then return to the US, will the Star Wars version of the device allow me to enter the codes?
Thank you for your comment and having interests in Atmoph Window 2 | Star Wars. We're afraid that Star Wars products are only shipped in Japan due to the license with Disney Japan. If you move to the US after you purchased Star Wars products in Japan, technologically speaking, it's available to use Atmoph Window 2 and see views. However, these products are for use in Japan and it is basically not supported by warranty. We hope you understand it.
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