Defective O.S. Ver 3.5.7 Needs Rolled Back
The latest O.S. Version 3.5.7 is defective and needs to be rolled back.
The features you advertised in it do not work AND it has made the experience worse not better.
For instance, you said this version would allow for selecting a preferred interval time for advancing views in Auto mode such as 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, etc. However no matter what interval I select, the views hardly ever advance. Some times they stay on one view ALL DAY LONG until I manually force it to advance to another view. When they do advance, they end up going back and forth between the same couple of views and though you say the windows can hold many views on local storage and only erase the oldest downloaded view in order to download the next one, that is NOT HAPPENING. Because when it goes from view 1 and advances to view 2 it download view 2. But then it advances BACK TO VIEW 1 AND RE-DOWNLOADS VIEW 1 AGAIN! What is up with that? Why is it bouncing back and forth between the same views and why is it redownloading the same view it just displayed previously which should still be stored locally anyway????
You also said that it would download the next view in the background so that when it does advance to the next view, it would alleviate the time waiting for the download and already have it downloaded ready to go. This IS NOT HAPPENING. When my windows finally do auto advance, they are still going through a download cycle that can run anywhere from several minutes to almost an hour. And NO IT IS NOT MY INTERNET as no other device including my MacBook which sits ten inches below the windows has any issues with my network and in any case I have gone through the hassle of always reconnecting them to the network just to make sure there can be no doubt that there is NO issue with it connecting. And YES I HAVE UNGROUPED AND REGROUPED MY PANELS and YES I HAVE REBOOTED MY PANELS as well and recreated the group and it makes no difference.
When the windows DO auto advance on their own finally, they are going back and forth between the same TWO or THREE views. That is hardly random. And that is not in keeping with the setting that is supposed to pull views that coincide with my local time of day. (I did not bother trying the setting for season.) If I manually advance the views using the remove and pushing the right arrow, the next view it randomly selects that way does match my local time. Keep in mind, this is a feature that was already working prior to this 3.5.7 version upgrade which apparently has killed the feature.
Prior to 3.5.7 there were many views that were just not useable because they would never stay in sync. So I would have to manually skip over them (now I check them to be excluded hoping that feature actually works). However, now there are many more views that never stay in sync especially ones with traffic scenes. Ones I used to watch. You have to use the remote and manually 're-sync' them constantly and eventually it's pointless. Try watching Illumination at Roppongi Hills 2, Tokyo Japan sometime and you will see what I mean. When this view comes up in the auto mode, it never syncs once it downloads all three portions of the view until you manually sync it, and then it falls out of sync very quickly over a few minutes.
When the views do synch, they freeze for like 5-8 seconds, where before it was like 1 second maybe 2 seconds at most. Again, this really affects the effect of the windows and enjoyment and just creates frustration and aggravation as the sound stops and the screens all freeze and you look to see if its downloading the same view again or what.
I'm also seeing stuttering and pixelated frames in views from time to time when they are struggling to download repeatedly.
I think you would do everyone a service if you sent out a rollback to downgrade our OS back to the prior O.S. Version until you can fix the O.S. 3.5.7 that clearly was either not fully QC'ed or beta tested before being rolled out. Since there is no option on the end user side to downgrade their O.S. to a prior version, the onus is on your side to issue that through the software update channel. I think an email alert to end users with a list of known issues would be prudent as well.
It would also be nice to have a known issues log or Jira board to track these defects.
Hi Tim,
Thank you for your comment and using Atmoph Window 2 always. As we heard your situation with our development team, we have an idea of what your issue may caused. It may depend on the device and we can't answer without checking your situation in more detail. We'd like to dig this more, and we need more information, for example your Atmoph account. We can't ask for personal information here and is it possible for you to send an email us to We'd like to solve this issue with referring your personal information and your Atmoph Window 2 itself.
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