Unlimited backgrounds idea
While purchasing one-off backgrounds is nice, I wonder if some users would prefer to either pay a flat one-time fee ($200?) or monthly subscription ($5/mo) to get unlimited scenes. I think this is something I might opt for.
Thank you! I so desperately want to enjoy my Atmoph by trying out new scenes, but can't justify spending hundreds of new dollars on all the compelling scenery...but would gladly give you $5/mo in perpetuity. Artcast appears to be doing this model (http://artcast.tv/). Could you open a Roku channel and push Atmoph videos to normal TVs? Seems like that would really expand your market!
Dear Michael Demaray,
Thank you for your request and we’re sorry for the delay in replying.
I’m so glad to hear you like our views! As we're continuously increasing our collection of landscape, please look forward to it.
Your idea sounds good, but unfortunately, our views are filmed and edited specially only for Atmoph Window and it is difficult for us to be showed in other devices such as TV...Thank you for your idea.
We’re keep looking for the better way to increase out service.Best,
Chikako Kato -
Any more thoughts on this idea? I think it could provide steadier revenue for your business and users would love it -- especially if you could use your same account on multiple windows...I'd consider purchasing 3 windows for my home in addition to the two I already have in my office.
From a business perspective, it would be like Netflix...a steadier income stream which could help fund further development/growth of the company. I'd pay $5-10/month. Right now I have a hard time pulling the trigger on a $10 panaramic view, but you would get more revenue from me with an unlimited plan because of the perceived value from the user.
Let me know if you have any more thoughts on this. Still loving my Atmoph! -
Hi, Michael,
Thank you for sharing your idea and loving our product! Also, we’re so happy to hear you’re thinking about getting additional one to your home, too :) It would be fantastic!
Actually, I really understand how you feel as I sometimes have hard time to decide which landscapes should I get, too. Regarding your idea, we still could not get clear idea, but we’re always keep it in mind. To let many users enjoy our views more, a monthly subscription might be one of our choice.
FYI, we also have a View Coupon, which you can download 11 views for the price of 10 including Panorama view. So, please check it out: https://atmoph.myshopify.com/products/11-view-download-couponBest,
Chikako Kato -
If this is ever implemented I would suggest a hybrid scenario where people can either buy single views/packs of views or subscribe monthly. I'm on the other side of the above argument as in I do not want another monthly/yearly subscription as I don't change that many views. If this suggestion ever goes through please still sell the single ones.
Dear Dejjem and Michael,
Really thank you for your feedbacks! And I’m sorry that it took me a while to tell you about our current situation. Within our team, our members thought subscription is great idea and we’ll offer this kind of service someday. However, there are so many things that we have to deal with until we released the plan… As we strongly hope our users enjoy their view more, we’ll keep going!
Chikako -
Hi Anthony,
Thank you for your posting the comment and I'm truly sorry for my delayed response. Here is our contact address contact@atmoph.com and we're always happy to answer your inquiries!Best,
Chikako -
So glad to see you moved forward with the subscription idea. I'd like to suggest that your U.S. pricing might be too high and should be closer to $5/unlimited views/3 windows. Think about the fact that you are charging more than Netflix or Disney+, and think about the fact that consumers are now carrying multiple subscription services.
Also, any plans to make the subscription service available for Atmoph 1 windows?
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